Monday, July 21, 2014


Patience conspires with time—
A ponderous constant, a found-here
To-be-left-here, unseen but felt—
And forces upon us a lifetime of waiting:
For a lunch order, the train, the bus, a flight;
Or a service—a document from Home Affairs,
A love to be returned, a pain to ease,
A wound to heal; perhaps for the sun to set
To relish its delight, or the dawn to rise
To hearken upon a birdsong; we wait
For the summer to revel in gaiety,
Or for the winter to create different memories;
For a war to end, an answered prayer,
Perhaps for times to change—
A hope to be realized, an ambition fulfilled,
Or a penny to drop in the bowl—we wait
In haste, banal bore, or suspense;
In anguish, or palpitating excitement
With a fuss, or not a care at all
In stark awareness, or sweet oblivion;
Gazing upon stars and blue horizons
Pondering over vast spaces, wondering why:
We wait upon life itself.

Picture credit:

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