Monday, August 11, 2014

He wants to tell someone

He wants to tell someone. Instead, he’s distracted
by yellow weaverbirds delighting him in his front yard
singing sweet, soothing songs. A speck falls on
a page of a book in hand. He notices not
which world he gets lost in—shifting between a timeless
one to another—wistful and alone. He catches the detail
of a falling leaf, wafting, weightless; the sway of the breeze,
rustling, whistling; the yellow of the sun, shining, reflecting.
He feels odd. Perhaps it’s a character on the page,
or a twist in the plot—maybe in his life too. A swelling feeling,
a stirring within, and goose bumps on skin: such
is the beauty he sees, of a weaverbird nibbling at bread, and
of deep green grass, suggesting a depth—he imagines
of his feeling. A sigh. He sees more than he would like—
a disquiet in the quiet, an unsettling simplicity, a flashback
and a longing for a life past: a reassuring comfort,
a knowing, now taken away;
a large presence, a has been and an always will be,
a father, but now not here.

Picture Credit: Down a dusty lane